Title : Lance Gerrard Wright: Unravelling the Connections of Leadership Approaches in Military
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Unravelling the Connections of Leadership Approaches in Military and Commercial Environment In this episode today we have the honour of having a discussion with a leader who spent 11 years as an Infantry Officer in the British Army followed by 18 years in the world of consulting in Leadership and Culture development – defining and operationalizing purpose. We welcome Lance Gerrard Wright, Performance Coach and Leader. Lance has held several roles previously, and is part of several global advisory forums to advise senior leaders on diverse leadership and business topics. Lance brings a perspective from Military Leadership and connects that with the commercial world. Today we will hear about intersections and how some of the Military lessons can be applied in the commercial world, and ways in which business performance, productivity and profit could be enhanced through the leadership skills from both environments.
Name: Lance Gerrard Wright
Title: Performance Coach
Organisation: Wright Performance Associates
Bio : – I am an independent performance consultant presently primarily engaged with a multi-million pound firm in the construction industry. My role consists of enhancing the strategic and leadership skills of the senior leadership cadre of the business, as they embark upon a major restructure. I also act as an industry advisor to the Armstrong Wolfe (AW) Global COO Advisory Forum – providing leadership advice to a global COO community in financial markets, asset management, and investment banking. I have regularly taken part in panel sessions and work with AW to deliver leadership courses, often over the course of 2 or 3 days. I have worked on the design, co-ordination and delivery of a two-day global COO conference comprising 22 global COOs, focusing primarily on Conduct. Whilst at my previous firm, the Inspirational Development Group, (IDG) I was a Fiduciary Director and part of the leadership team that secured the license for the commercial relationship between IDG and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS). I was a member of a global board that set the strategic direction of the business, with a P and L responsibility, overseeing the largest single regional contributor to the business.
My 30 year career spans 11 years as a British infantry officer, including 2 operational tours and 2 years on the instructing staff at RMAS – and then post military, I have spent my time in leadership development and performance engagement – defining and operationalising purpose. I have direct experience at board level with global FS clients.
I look to enhance business performance, productivity and profit through the enhancement of leadership skills. The importance of leaders being enabled to lead and manage their workforces in a dislocated environment has become the challenge. Many have recognised the military approach to leadership – well used to the current prevailing VUCA conditions, and with a widely dispersed workforce – as an effective template for commercial leadership as well.
I have a proven skill set which is highly relevant to help corporate leadership navigate the challenges of workforce dynamics and the new paradigm post-pandemic. This includes leadership at all levels, but perhaps most importantly, helping EXCO leadership define and operationalise its purpose. Expert bodies such as the FCA have more recently noted the importance of purpose in not just defining culture – but also improving conduct, profit, and productivity.
Qualified in HBDI, MBTI, SDI & DiSC.