Title : Stelios Antoniou: Creating success through combination of Operations, Marketing and Innovation
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In this episode we meet a business leader with wide ranging experience and skills with passion for operations, marketing and business development – across sectors. He knows the essence of working in a fast paced environment with entrepreneurial approaches, and how he is reinventing new ways of working and strategies for companies at different stages of their growth.
We are joined by Stelio Antoniou, COO. We will learn about his journey and how leverages his skills and expertise on new ways of managing and leading teams to work towards strategic key performance indicators – how he mentors other leaders on their journey of building businesses that draws on new age marketing.
Name : Stelios Antoniou
Title : Chief Operating Officer
Bio : – My career experience and skills have grown alongside with my passion for marketing and business development. My ability to manage and lead teams to work towards strategic KPI’s is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Working in a fast paced environment being able to constantly evaluate everything and improve the business I work in.
In the world of marketing and business development there is always something to learn and being able to keep up is a challenge of its own. Since my job is my passion I always try to improve my skills and learn new things. Big fan of Audiobook’s and Podcast
There is rarely a dull moment in my workday and I like it that way.