Title: Entrepreneurial Leadership in Sustainable Investing and Shaping a Better Tomorrow
In this episode, we welcome Stephania Di Bartolomeo, CEO and Founder of Physis Investment based in Boston, USA. Stephania leads Physis, an investment business platform that provides investors with innovative investment solutions, sustainable investing opportunities and having a portfolio that can have more than just a financial impact. Imagine that!
We will hear about Stephania and her journey and learn about
✅ Her vision to bring greater transparency to the financial industry, and other sectors.
✅ How she helps investors understand, track, and measure the impact of their portfolios
✅ How she transforms her quant-humanist dedication to female empowerment and sustainable investing
Name: Bryan Ritchie
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Organisation: SIMBA Chain
Bio : –
I have started two technology companies, spent 10 years in the computer software/hardware industry, have extensive experience in economic development in Southeast Asia and the Midwest United States, have experience in alternative energy and biofuels startups, funding, and operation, and have extensive involvement in university/industry linkages and partnerships. I have worked with over 150 companies, ranging from Fortune 50 all the way to new startups and have had success at all of these levels.