Leadership exposé podcast

Steven Paul > Leadership exposé podcast > Keith Budden: GDPR is not over!

Keith Budden: GDPR is not over!

Title : Keith Budden: GDPR is not over!

Description :

A chat with consulting leader and MD of Ensurety, who has experienced the tides in the information technology security profession, and now a specialist in General Data Protection Regulation or commonly referred to as GDPR. He is the author of the bestselling book “GDPR Made Simple” and a presenter and producer of the GDPR Weekly Show. Keith demystifies the GDPR from the lens of the business, the challenges and priorities and the areas that businesses need to continually focus on.

Name : Keith Budden

Title : MD

Organisation: Ensurety

Bio : -Are you puzzled by GDPR? Did you get your GDPR procedures in place in 2018 and haven’t looked at them since? Do you simply not have the time or inclination to do it?

Do any of your staff have at least a basic knowledge of GDPR? Have you checked the GDPR compliance of any of your suppliers who process personal data on your behalf (accountants, payroll bureau, marketing agencies, etc)? Have you conducted a DPIA since 2nd September 2021 to see if The Children’s Code applies to you? Do you even know what a DPIA is?

Hi, I’m Keith, and I have been helping organisations like yours since 2016. Having now worked with over 150 companies in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, South Africa, and the USA to implement GDPR, as well as producing and presenting the GDPR Weekly Show podcast, the GDPR Weekly Show Live Forum on Clubhouse, and author of GDPR Made Simple, I help startups to FTSE100 companies get GDPR right, and keep it right.

I can teach you how to do it, work with you to do it, or do it for you, the choice is yours.

What my clients say:

“You’re the only person who makes GDPR enjoyable”

“I’ve listened to talks about GDPR for years, yours is the first that ever made me excited”

Want to find out what they found so enjoyable and exciting? Please go to https://gdprbook.10to8.com and you can book a no-obligation exploratory call directly into my diary.

I’m available for public speaking engagements on GDPR. Whether it’s as a keynote speaker, a master class, or as part of a panel. Recent speaking engagements have included Brighton SEO 2021, The International Cyber Expo 2021, the Business Networking Show 2021, and the annual conference of the Institution for Structural Engineers.

The GDPR Weekly Show is available on all popular podcast platforms including Apple iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and Google Podcasts, or you can access all episodes directly via our website at https://www.ensurety.co.uk/podcasts

If you’d like to discuss your GDPR requirements, please contact me for a complimentary 30-minute call on 07858 138218 or email [email protected]