Leadership exposé podcast

Steven Paul > Leadership exposé podcast > Jeremy Janousky : A Journey with Aviation Enthusiast Leader Combined with Curiosity of Topics Unknown to Others

Jeremy Janousky : A Journey with Aviation Enthusiast Leader Combined with Curiosity of Topics Unknown to Others

Title: A Journey with Aviation Enthusiast Leader Combined with Curiosity of Topics Unknown to Others


In this episode, Steven Paul meets Jeremy Janousky, based in the USA. Jeremy is the COO of Travel Radar – an air-travel organization an air-travel organization that helps discover airline experiences, inflight services and the latest insights in the Aviation industry. Jeremy has several roles, including that of aviation designer and consultant, airline brokerage leader, and university board member.

We will hear about Jeremy’s journey, his

✅ Connection with Aviation and the seamless experience he brings to people around the world
✅ Curiosity and interests in topics that are not always obvious or visible to others
✅ Influencing new ways of professional and personal working, people recognition and positive relations

Name: Jeremy Janousky

Title: COO

Organisation: Travel Radar

Bio : – 

Jeremy is the COO of Travel Radar – an air-travel organization an air-travel organization that helps discover airline experiences, inflight services and the latest insights in the Aviation industry. Jeremy has several roles, including that of aviation designer and consultant, airline brokerage leader, and university board member.