Leadership exposé podcast

Steven Paul > Leadership exposé podcast > Bernard Njathi: Empowering Livestock farmers to Unlock Dead Capital Using Innovative AgriTech and Fintech Business Model

Bernard Njathi: Empowering Livestock farmers to Unlock Dead Capital Using Innovative AgriTech and Fintech Business Model

Title: Bernard Njathi: Empowering Livestock farmers to Unlock Dead Capital Using Innovative AgriTech and Fintech Business Model


In this episode, Steven Paul chats with entrepreneur Bernard Njathi,, CEO and Founder of Lofte Kesho,  an AgriTech and FinTech startup in Kenya. The company has an innovative first-of-its-kind business model and ecosystem of empowering smallholder livestock farmers to unlock capital against their livestock through animal identification, data collection and traceability platform. 

We will hear about Bernard’s journey, his aspiration and drivers for starting this business and 

✅ How Bernard leads the collaboration between farmers, veterinary and financial services such as insurance and loans on the other. 

✅ An outline of benefits that Lofte Kesho shares with all parties within the ecosystem, from Farmer to Bank to Insurance to Consumer. 

✅ Highlights of how their programs and initiatives enable and contribute to the United Nations sustainable development goals of no poverty, zero hunger and decent work and economic growth. 

✅ Articulation of their automation of the reporting processes to unlock smallholder livestock financing using blockchain technology.

In essence, the Lofte Kesho ‘Business and Technology’ solution assists farmers to identify and know the worth of their livestock, and this in turn creates a farmer-animal profile, which is insurable and lendable to by financial services providers.

Name: Bernard Njathi

Title: Founder and CEO

Organisation: Lofte Kesho

Bio : – Now…

An upcoming entrepreneur in Kenya, Africa. We are keen to solve the dead capital problem affecting our smallholder livestock farmers. Our livestock farmers own livestock (Cows, Goats and Sheep) that have inherent value. Lofte Kesho facilitates the access of working capital and funds against the livestock. At Lofte Kesho, our Startup, we combine technology both hardware and software and collaborations with financial partners to unlock finances for the smallholder livestock farmer. (www.loftekesho.com)

….And over the years….

|| Specialist in product and revenue growth ||
More than a decade of extensive experiences around managing teams, key accounts, client growth and delight, regional management, market penetration and business strategy + development (products, sales, marketing, revenue growth and partnerships)

• Empowering people – inspiring people to achieve