Leadership exposé podcast

Steven Paul > Leadership exposé podcast > Abdulaziz Al-Roomi : The Changing Role of Human Resources and How Leaders Should Leverage HR Discipline to Effect Leadership

Abdulaziz Al-Roomi : The Changing Role of Human Resources and How Leaders Should Leverage HR Discipline to Effect Leadership

Title: The Changing Role of Human Resources and How Leaders Should Leverage HR Discipline to Effect Leadership


In this episode Steven Paul speaks with Abdulaziz Al-Roomi, based in Kuwait. Aziz is the Founder and CEO of Global Legacy Consultancy and Training, is a visionary HR Leader and Executive Coach with professional cross-industry experience. Aziz previously worked as the CHRO for a leading company, and continues to hold multiple roles. He is featured in national TV and radio shows, and is also an author of a best seller – Prevail.

We will hear about Aziz’s journey and

✅ How creating approaches to embedding behaviours and best practices in HR
✅ How his executive coaching supports leadership in the region

Name: Abdulaziz Al-Roomi

Title: Founder and CEO

Organisation: Global Legacy Consultancy

Bio : – 

A visionary HR Leader and Executive Coach with 17+ years of professional cross-industry experience covering retail, petrochemical, engineering, oil and gas, logistics, IT, F&B , banking and other sectors.

Has a demonstrated history in managing HR departments for global organisations, developing leaders of the future, supervising multi-million Dollars financial budgets for strategic business transformation initiatives and adding efficiency to complex organisational processes.

Signature areas of expertise include Talent Management, HR excellence, business transformation programs, budget and finance management and coaching and mentoring.

Abdulaziz’s last professional venture entails working as the CHRO for ABYAT Megastore, a leading finishing and retail company. In this role, Abdulaziz managed HR for 2000+ employees.

Has progressed on an upwards trajectory through his career, other roles Abdulaziz has undertaken include Sr HR Specialist in Leadership and Organisational Development, HR Supervisor, IT Trainer and entrepreneur.

Abdulaziz has also worked for EQUATE for over 9 years, where he has left a strong legacy of his success entailing significant efficiency improvements within HR and financial processes.

Academically holds a prestigious Master’s degree, awarded by a leading European academic institution, as well as world class certifications in leadership and HR.

Takes pride in professional development and coaching professionals, Abdulaziz has also featured in national TV and radio shows, university lectures and international training programs to provide insights on professional development concepts to audiences from various backgrounds.

Prevail, Amazon’s #1 bestseller book, was written by Abdulaziz based on his professional experiences in leadership.
This book is the guide to becoming a successful and memorable leader in your career.

Looks forward to meeting likeminded individuals and further expanding his professional network.