Steven Paul > Varsha Ajmera

Varsha Ajmera

I have been involved in youth development and research work since 1990’s. I am very passionate about the work i do and feel proud that i am able to contribute positively through my work at the World Youth Foundation. At the Foundation we have embarked on numerous programs in empowering both young man and women in the areas of youth development, capacity building, leadership, volunteerism, team building, communications etc. I am also an NGO Representative to the UN-DPI.

Specialties: Specializing in work related to young people especially in youth development, empowerment and engagement. I have designed and implemented several events on issues such has environment, sustainable development, peace and cultural diversity, women empowerment , new urban agenda, ocean and sustainable development etc. Have organized succesfully several fund raising events, campaigns, seminars, trainings, conferences etc all with the aim to raise the profile of young people around the globe. Have also been presented papers and interviewed by the media, institutions of higher learning etc.