I am a social entrepreneur, a consciousness activist, educator, and coach. I have been a lifelong seeker of truth and meaning and have learned from many traditions and schools of thought. My life experiences and a long journey of self-inquiry, coupled with learnings from valuable teachers, the education and certifications that I have received have brought me to a place of supporting others in their self-development journeys.
My natural sensitivity and empathy enhanced by years of my practice as a Heartfulness trainer allow me to easily and immediately connect with my clients’ emotional conditions. I show them how self-compassion and acceptance of what is along with embracing their feelings fully can create a space for change. Through a process of challenging and removing the self or societal made limitations in their minds, most of the difficulties my clients struggle with, disappear. So instead of solving their problems I mainly dissolve them.
This liberating perspective that recognizes limitations in the eyes of the beholder rather than in beholden brings an instant sense of relief and empowers my clients to positively tend to what actually needs their attention in their lives for the change they would like to experience. I inspire people to get in touch with their inner being, meaning, balance, wisdom and to identify their unique ways of expression and their most impactful roles they can have in society. I show them how powerful creators they are and how they can take charge as the architects of their awareness and design their destinies in alignment with the Divine plans and the highest good of all.
– Founder and Consciousness Educator & Coach at Be 8nfinite
– Certified Professional Life Coach – ICF Accredited Training
– Certified Heartfulness Trainer
– Certified Brighter Minds Facilitator
– Career Coach and Mentor with TRIEC
– Heartfulness Polarity Practitioner
– Heartful Communication Practitioner
– Facilitator and Coach at IHTP scholarship
– Member of the Board of Directors at Brock Township Public Libraries and ROTOM Canada
– Member of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee at Brock Township Public Library
– Moderator for Muse, an Evening of Poetry and Music, Jane’s Walk City Organizer for Brock Township, and – Guest Moderator for Awakin Calls at Service Space and Howl Radio Show
– Published in magazines such as Tehran Avenue, Constant Remembrance, Heartfulness, and FIPGARA
– PhD Student in Psychology: Consciousness Studies
– Master’s Degree in Architecture